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…about finding healthy outlets for centering and coping with stress when life comes at you full force.

It is an active process of making mindful choices toward a fulfilling, healthy life. Allowing your body, mind and soul to take a break. Developing an essential self-care routine. Learning to relax and release daily stress. 

Wellness is not just the absence of illness and injury. It is a dynamic process of change and growth. At Blunt Yoga Wellness, our mission is to help everyone, from every walk of life, be inspired to make healthy choices, be challenged through yoga and be empowered to live life to the fullest!

Instructing yoga. Inspiring wellness.Cultivating a mindful community. Spreading aloha. Because wellness is not a destination. It is a lifestyle!


“I love helping people achieve more balance, peace, stillness, strength, confidence, health, flexibility and release tension, reduce anxiety or stress. It makes my heart happy to know I can help someone and have them walk away from my class with a smile! “

- Kerstin Blunt